Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Effects Of Bilingualism On The Executive Function And...

Introduction By the emerge of globalization, being a bilingual is no longer a novelty experience any more. It is quiet normal in nowadays that people encounter bilinguals in their daily bases. There is a common sense that bilinguals should have certain abilities prior to monolinguals. Bialystok (2001) suggested that â€Å"the constant managing 2 competing languages enhance the executive function†. Moreover, her another study(Bialystok, 2004) indicated that bilingual participants also responded more rapidly to conditions that placed greater demands on working memory. In all cases the bilingual advantage was greater for older participants. These two findings imply that bilingualism have beneficial effects on the executive function and working memory. Besides the excellent executive function ability and the great capability of working memory, researchers also found out that bilinguals have advantages on a particular working memory. The study of Luo (2013) demonstrated tha t bilinguals outperforms the monolingual participants in spatial working memory. It showed that bilinguals are superior to monolinguals in some aspects, which can provide a exact picture how bilingualism facilitates people so that it may motivate people to start acquiring a new language. For my own curious, I want to know that if bilinguals advantage can persist across different experimental designs. In addition, it should be interesting to test the correlation of different types of bilinguals andShow MoreRelatedintend to expose in their studies how Educational Neuroscience can reshape educational policies and1500 Words   |  6 Pagesthe impact of bilingual language exposure in children’s ability to achieve linguistic mastery and fluency and reading. Garbing and company proposed that bilingualism has a positive effect on executive controls. Since little is known about the effects of using two languages on an everyday basis; they intended to correlate it to executive functions through task based fMRIs, in which monolingual and bilingual groups were to use MRI adapted goggles while performing consecutive runs of non-linguistic switchingRead MoreLanguage Processing And Memory Retrieval903 Words   |  4 PagesIn the past, cognitive studies on language processing and memory retrieval was mostly focused on monolingual speakers. The idea of bilingualism and its effect on memory is relatively new, but it is also considered as a rising topic in the field of psychology, linguistics, cognitive science, and second language studies. In 1993, Javier, Barroso, and Muà ±oz conducted a research with a group of Spanish-English bilingual speakers. They emphasized that language is a powerful retrieval tool and a cue toRead MoreBilingualism Is The Ability By Individuals1208 Words   |  5 PagesIntroduction Bilingualism is the ability by individuals to use two linguistic systems languages. Children acquire bilingualism in their early years when they are regularly exposed to adults who speak two different languages such as German and French or English and Spanish. Research shows that the majority of people in the world today are bilingual, or multilingual (those who comprehend more than two languages), compared to monolingual (individuals who have learned only one language). While manyRead MoreBilingualism : A Mental Advantage1597 Words   |  7 PagesBilingualism: A Mental Advantage Bilinguals are often praised by employers for their multi-language skills. With the push for children and adults to become bilingual there is an increase of teaching all around the world. While many are raised bilingual there are still some places that lack in the teachings. The advocators for bilingualism show that the teaching is truly worth it because of all of the benefits in becoming bilingual. While it is clear that there are benefits in regards to communicationRead MoreBilingualism Has On The Mind Essay1810 Words   |  8 Pagesresearch done on bilingualism I had very little to none background knowledge on bilingualism. I thought the only outcome of being bilingual or multilingual is you get to socialize with other people from other backgrounds and maybe have more opportunities to a more variety of jobs. Needs less to say I greatly underestimated the importance bilingualism has on the mind, in school and in life itself. After reading tremendous amount of research, I have a b etter insight, on how bilingualism can change one’sRead MoreThe Disadvantages Of The Bilingual Advantage929 Words   |  4 Pagesthe ability to use more than one language brings an individual a considerable advantage.† Research on the subject seems to indicate that in fact there are plenty of benefits of speaking multiple languages, specifically relating to working memory and thus executive function, spawning the phrase â€Å"the bilingual advantage,† however there are also some drawbacks. Music and math are both thought to incur various advantages to young learners, which is no surprise since they are, in a way, languages in andRead MoreThe Primary Responsibilities Of An Educator1412 Words   |  6 Pagesbilingual and biliterate. This paper will review literature and research supporting dual language programs and provide the rational for the implementation of Lenguas Nativas. Identity Formation and Cultural Awareness Garcia (2009) suggests that bilingualism leads to social advantages and allows students to become aware of cultural differences. Students in the Lenguas Nativas program can construct their own hybrid culture that enables them to negotiate both cultural systems. De Jong (2011) echoes thisRead MoreThe Positive Benefits Of Bilingualism2077 Words   |  9 Pagesbenefits of bilingualism and how it affects children, during their childhood and well into adulthood. In addition this paper will look into the scientific and general advantages of bilingualism through scientific studies on the subject. This paper will also identify some of the pros and cons of growing up bilingual. Specifically to be cognitive flexibility, metalinguistic awareness, communicative sensitivity, attentiveness and combatting dementia. A new research era began into bilingualism after theRead MoreBilingualism Is Harmful And Interferes With Healthy Development2515 Words   |  11 PagesBilingualism, or an ability to u se at least two languages (American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, 2004), has been studied for decades. A quick literature search will reveal that research on this topic goes back as far as the 1800s. This is hardly surprising considering that at least half of the world’s population is bilingual (Grosjean, 2010, p. 13), with some European countries reaching rates as high as 99 percent (European Commission, 2006, p. 3). Interestingly enough, until relativelyRead MoreHow Bilingualism Affects Cognition And Whether Or Not The Effects3756 Words   |  16 Pages becoming a bilingual or multilingual individual. However, with this new trend, controversy has arisen as to how this affects performance in terms of cognitive abilities. The purpose of this essay is to find out to how bilingualism affects cognition and whether or not the effects are positive. Cognitions is the term used to describe the process of knowing, reasoning and remembering. Many researchers have set out to solve this contentious mystery. For years, it was believed that a bilingual individual

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